“I did not know this, did you”? Just the other day we were dining out at
the local restaurant and it was one of those buffet style places. Two wall
clocks were having a meal; their hands were busy stuffing their faces at the
table across from us and one said to the other, “This meal is so good; I’m
going back four seconds!”
Bible Challenges and Comments
I believe it was Ronald Reagan who said “Freedom is only one
generation from extinction”. There is no problem with that statement, I believe
it and so should YOU. Again and again people all across this nation have warned
and lamented over the nation’s dangerous path here of late. Daily we receive
mailings from para-political and para-church organizations saying things like “Take
our survey and side with us; give a donation and we will get the nation back on
All of these vehicles of operation are cut from the same mold;
all are organized under a tax code that exempts them from paying taxes and
allows for those who support their cause, a tax break at the end of the filing
year. Now I am not knowledgeable in these matters so I do not want to dig to
deeply here and find out that my ladder is not long enough to get out of the
hole, so here is the rub.
None of the para-political organizations ask for prayer and
only some of the para-church one’s do. Should we expect this from the political
side of life? “SHAME ON YOU”, if you said yes since our founding fathers would
disagree. Our nation was founded by men who prayerfully gave their lives for
the freedom that we are flushing down the drain. Okay, moving on to the
para-church entities. The first priority of these organizations is normally
focused on one national blight and not the whole. Then their following priorities
are to obtain more money in order to keep their ministries afloat, prayer is
secondary almost always.
Now it would sound as if I am against giving donations (it
could be that I am), however why should anyone give money to another person or
organization that fails the test of “faith in God”? So, what might this sort of
faith in God look like? Matthew 27:29; John 19:2 and John 19:5. Jesus is the
Author of Faith; Hebrews 12:2. First we must know that any crown is a crown of “faithful”
suffering. 1 Corinthians 9:24-27; 2 Timothy 4:6-8 or James 1:12. Notice what
the apostle Peter says in 1 Peter 5:1-11, a crown of glory that does not fade
away. Do not expect to wear any of the crowns offered to us saints if you are
not willing to suffer.
There is much to say about the crowns (rewards) that we can receive,
but it is more and more obvious to me that our nation is failing because “We
the People” (Those in the secular or political camps) are just as unwilling as
those in “We are God’s People” (Those in the spiritual or godly camps) to
submit to the will of God and that would be as you may have read earlier in 2 Tim
“For I am already being poured out as a drink offering and
the time of my departure is at hand. I have fought the good fight, I have
finished the race, “I have kept the FAITH”. Finally, there is laid up for me a
crown of righteousness which the LORD, the righteous Judge, will give to me on
that Day; and not to me only but also to all who have loved His appearing”.
So not only pray for the nation, but ask God to help you
engage the enemy through prayer and do not fight with the devil with money, he
will laugh at you all the while he spends it on his priorities. Let Michael the
archangel contend with the devil while you pray for God to heal all of nations
sins Jude 1:9.
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