Thursday’s Blog – Jer-USA-lem!
Lamentations 1:8 – Jerusalem has
sinned grievously, therefore she has become vile (removed). All who honored her
despise her because they have seen her nakedness; Yes she sighs and turns away.
Bible Challenges and Comments
The book of Lamentations, written by the prophet Jeremiah is
one of my favorites. I also like the book of Ecclesiastes and the book of
Proverbs; these books were written by Solomon who succeeded his father David to
be king over Israel. The Old Testament was written by prophets, priests and
These men also were shepherds, farmers, nomads, merchants,
husbands and fathers and of course these were also children under the authority
of their parents. I do not want to just single out the men; there were women
also, like Ruth and Esther who may not have written the books named after them,
but like Rahab the harlot were used of God to provide to you and me… ONE
message; the message of FAITH in God.
That message today in the United States of America is under “sincere”
attack. I would like to take a look at Hebrews 11. Now the whole chapter is an
interesting read and having to do with the purpose of my writing this morning,
but I just want to pick out a few people, whom much is said about but whether
you have heard of them or not, they all had one thing in common. Of course that
one thing is – FAITH!
Chapter eleven starts out with a definition of what faith
is: Faith is the object “realization” of what people hope for or better; of
what people have “confidence in”. also it is said that the “elders” the history
of God’s faithful people, that because of this “faith” they obtained a good
report. What by the way is that “Good Report?” It is the Holy written Word of
God. Yes the very object of FAITH of these men and women is today under ATTACK.
Who are these pillars of faith? Abel, Enoch, Noah, Abraham,
Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, Rahab, Gideon, Barak, Samson, Jephthah, David,
Samuel, many others and all the prophets. There is much to say about these men
and their women all of whom were “looking by FAITH to God for a better or heavenly
country and a better resurrection.
Now the world, maybe you who are reading this are part of
the world system that rejects “faith” so I will say this in conclusion this
morning. The world tortured and stoned many of these people of faith, they were
killed with the sword too. They wandered about without homes, they were
destitute and tormented. Of whom the “world” which is opposite of “faith” is
not, was not and will not be worthy of the good testimony through faith in God,
therefore the world will NOT receive the “PROMISE”!
What? Is there a promise to the people of Faith? Yes there
is a promise that these people “realize” and have “confidence” in (Hebrews
11:1). These men, women and children are the witnesses to the world that the
world is to lay aside every weight of SIN, the worldly traps that ensnare
people to believe that abortion, homosexuality, adultery, murder, lying and
disobedience to parents are good and the things that are good are classified as
How then should a person set these things aside which are an
abomination to God and country? Looking unto Jesus, who is the author (origin)
and finisher (perfect) expression of FAITH, who for the JOY that was set
(promised) to Him endured the cross; He despised the shame, and has sat down at
the right hand of the throne of God. Hebrews 12:2. Jesus is the ONLY way as He has
John 14:6 – Jesus said to Thomas, “I am the WAY; I am the
TRUTH, and the LIFE. No one comes to the Father except through ME. And yes
Jesus is the author of FAITH, if your religion does not include Jesus, then you
have no FAITH, NO HOPE AND NO FUTURE RESURRECTION and you are nothing more than
a THORN in the flesh that seeks to destroy the people of God and The United
States of America.
are “short theatrical plays” the “Plays” actors are the words!
do you call three rabbits hopping backwards? A receding hare line!
father buffalo sent his son off to college, as his son departed he heard his
father say, “bison”!
am reading a book about “anti-gravity” it is so good I can’t put it down!
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