Thursday, May 15, 2014

Thursday’s Blog – Jer-USA-lem!

Thursday’s Blog – Jer-USA-lem!

Lamentations 1:9 – Her uncleanness is in her skirts; She did not consider her destiny; Therefore her collapse was awesome; She had no comforter. O LORD, behold my affliction, for the enemy has magnified himself.

Bible Challenges and Comments
Today, the people of God live in every nation under the sun. For anyone to think differently of that first sentence would be foolish, demonic and false. However there are unreached people groups within a nation that have never heard of the “Death and Resurrection” of Jesus Christ. There were people groups in Israel when Jeremiah penned the book of Lamentations and there are people groups in the United States of America today who have never heard. “But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us, Romans 5:8”.

We commonly call these groups of people “unbelievers” they are by the way, religious, conservative, liberal, immoral and just plain disobedient. Yes, the same can be said of believers so just what is the point? Nationally, speaking we are a country of uncleanness. We have ceased to consider our destiny. Therefore like Israel our collapse will be awesome. We have forgotten and lost faith in this: “GOD is AWESOME”. 

National collapse is not pleasant, just ask anyone who has faced their nation and witnessed tyranny, aggression and government corruption. Or just wait a decade and you will firsthand knowledge. I suppose we could just give up and give in to this cesspool of corruption; all we need do is just stay “ignorant”. I do not like the word “ignorant”, but to most of us we are ignorant to the most important subject in human history. 

We are ignorant of God, ignorant of His Love, ignorant of His Mercy and ignorant of His Grace. How do I know that? The Holy Bible states clearly that if you do not have faith in the Son of God who is Jesus Christ. We need this very moment to humble ourselves before our AWESOME God, we need to repent and pray that God would heal our nation. Remember that word we looked at few days ago? “Brute, brutish or stupid” and I am now reminded of a commercial. 

There was a man applying for membership in a physical exercise program. He was asked by the program associate. “What is it that you do?” the applicant responded, “I pick things up and put them down”. The applicant kept repeating those words to every question, so the last scene in the commercial is the program associate opening the back door and letting the applicant out. Even though the applicant was big and muscular, he was rejected because of being a brute. We may laugh, but folks even though we may look qualified to carry this nation on the shoulders of humanity, we are stupid of God’s love thus God has let us out of the back door of His watch care.

Here is the rub! Most citizens of the United States of America look qualified to be free, independent and courageous, yet we are blind, slow to hear and paralyzed such as the man that Jesus healed at the pool of Bethesda; John 5:1-15. Less than ten years ago our national heritage was that we were then a Christian nation. I am looking at the present time at verses 14 and 15. We have traded our relationship with Jesus for the secular humanistic views of corruption, just as the man to whom Jesus clearly said. “See you have been made well. Sin no more, lest a worse thing come upon you.

If puns are not funny, then they are “tear-able”
If snails were freight carriers, they could also be known as “S-cargo”!
What a hoot! I found “chilly” beans in the freezer; where else?
Dead giveaways are the reading of one’s last will and testament.

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